Frequently Asked Question

My Camera/Microphone is not working. What can be done?
Last Updated 5 years ago

Try this:
1-Go to the start menu (windows icon lower left corner)
2-Settings (Gear Icon on left)
3-Privacy (Lock Icon)
4-Camera/Microphone of the Left.
5-Ensure the "Allow apps to access your microphone/camera" is "On".

After the above directions, continue to below.
In Chrome:
1-Go to chrome://settings/content
3-Ensure the site your are attempting to use your camera or microphone on is not in the "Blocked" section and the slider at the top is not set to "Blocked".

After setting both above settings, restart the computer.

Now try to use your program.

If you still have issues, please submit a request as a Tech will likely need to repair the computer.

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